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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is one incredible feat of engineering. Dr. Danny Faulkkner will describe the design and purposes of the JWST for us. But more importantly, he will discuss how the early results coming from this telescope have disproven evolutionary theories about the origin and history of the universe, and perhaps what lies ahead for the JWST.
Below each location are links to slides
advertising the location's meeting. If your church uses slides on screen for announcements, or printed
bulletins, would you ask your pastor to include one of these to advertise this meeting? (Thanks!)
(Please click the date below to open the times and location.)
Every young Christian who thinks will have questions about Christianity, especially after seeing the attacks on television on the "historical Jesus" ... with K-college schools teaching that the universe and life happened by chance... Is the Bible's history really any more than a collection of just-so tales, first told by a fireside thousands of years ago? Or is there any evidence that the "tales" are true? [Spoiler: you BET there's evidence!]
An EQUIP retreat is an annual apologetics-based retreat held across the country at different locations. The speakers are ALL convinced that the Bible IS reporting real history, including in Genesis Chapter 1 (six days of creation). The retreat is designed to teach young people to own, share, and defend their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. While there will be lots of fun and games, the goal of EQUIP is to plant seeds that inspire a generation of teens to have eternal impact on the Kingdom of God by equipping them to better understand, articulate, and spread the Gospel.
NOTE: If this date doesn't work for you, there are SIX other similar retreats scheduled throughout summer 2025, at six different locations!
They can't likely put ALL of these in one retreat, but these are being considered!
There will be a limit of 100 teens.
Registration: here
For more information call 1-800-552-4673, Dave Drake.
Pastors! Often our MCF speaker is available to speak at your church on the Sunday during the MCF series of meetings! If interested, let us know at 847.223.4730. (This is the Sivertsen residence.)
Since the 1970s, the famous "Lucy" skeleton and the species she is believed to represent, have been promoted to the world as a credible evolutionary transitional species. Creationists have long argued that Lucy and her kind were nothing more than an extinct ape. In this video, Chris presents an alternative view, which he refers to as "the pygmy human hypothesis." Other fossils attributed to Lucy's species, Australopithecus afarensis, are examined, including several misclassified human bones. Granting for the sake of argument that the dating methods are reliable, these true human fossils falsify the evolutionary ape-to-man model since they pre-date the reputed origin of the human genus "Homo". Toward the end of the presentation, Chris shares a simpler biblical model that better explains the hominin fossil record.
Click here for links to collections of our own meeting videos, plus great sources of other groups' FREE online videos!