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Midwest Creation Fellowship

Image of pterodactyle flying overhead in a forest The Last Essay Contest

Sadly, after 26 years, 2023 was the last year for the Student Essay Contest. In May of 2023, the MCF Board felt that the costs and effort were not justified by ongoing low participation. Added to that, it is now possible for papers to be written by various artificial intelligence softwares, and distinguishing human-written from AI-created papers might be difficult or impossible.

So, THANKS!!! to all who made the effort to write papers, and to their parents and teachers who guided their efforts, in 2023 and all the earlier years! We sincerely hope the effort to write sharpened your thinking, your writing ability, and your appreciation for the amazing world and universe that highlight the existence of the Creator!

In the future, instead of spending $1500/year for prizes, MCF is looking for practical ways to support students who desire to participate in creation camps, such as Carl Kerby's Equip Retreat camps. We are also expecting to work with Judson College on more local apologetics/creation camps!

So, stay tuned for what's coming in 2024!!