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Midwest Creation Fellowship
  Last modified: February 21 2023

Topic Suggestions for Student Essay Contest

There are zillions of possible topics! But it must be strongly related to the topic of creation vs. evolution, or more generally, the accuracy of the Bible in other areas, such as history.

 Remember that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PROVE CREATION! You just need to be careful and honest, and consult writings by both sides of a controversy. How can you argue for your point when you don't know the claims of the other side? Be aware that the usual sources (most textbooks, TV shows, movies, most magazines and newspapers) are very biased against God, the Bible, and creation. Also, not all creationist writers agree on every topic, from a creationist standpoint. Remember also that a few evidences for creation are obsolete or poor, so you need to compare older writings with newer ones. Use several sources!

Do limit your topic to what you can discuss within your length limits:  up to 1500 words for Junior Division, or 2500 words for Senior Division. Footnotes, end notes, bibliography, charts, graphs, and title page do NOT count towards the word limit. You may have to narrow your subject from what you originally planned.

Anthropology - Physical

Picture of Neanderthal girl Neandertal child, modeled using software at Univ. of Zurich. Released to public use by Univ. of Zurich. via Wikimedia Commons

Anthropology - Cultural

Picture of Noah sacrificing after the Flood Picture of Noah sacrificing after the Flood


Picture of Stonehenge at sunrise. Photo by Howard Walsh on Unsplash, used by permission. Picture of Stonehenge at sunrise. Photo by Howard Walsh on Unsplash, used by permission.


Open Bible, image from knowhimonline at Open Bible, image from knowhimonline at Creative commons license


U.S. Capitol Building Full View, by Noclip - Own work. Public Domain- click for website U.S. Capitol Building. Public Domain- click for website


NASA image "Large and small stars in harmonious coexistence".
			Click for original web file. NASA image "Large and small stars in harmonious coexistence". Click for original web file.


Kate from UK / CC BY-SA ( Hoatzin bird in Peru, by Kate in wikimedia

Earth and Space Science

Bryce Canyon, courtesy of Debbie and Wayne Heitmann Bryce Canyon, courtesy of Debbie and Wayne Heitmann


Picture of the Delk track: dinosaur and alleged human footprint. Click for an online discussion. Picture of the Delk track, having dinosaur and human tracks in the same rock. Is it a forgery? Click for an article on that.

Journalism and Media

Picture of the Australopithicine "Lucy" in Chicago Field Museum. Click for Answers in Genesis article on Lucy Model of Lucy, an Australopithicine ape, in Chicago Field Museum, showing human-like hands, feet, and upright walking - not supported by fossil evidence


Portrait (edited) of Sir Francis Bacon, often called "the Father of the Scientific Method." Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Click for article online Sir Francis Bacon, "Father of the Scientific Method"